Welcome to OhanaNetRadio.com

A l o h a !Collage for Ohana Net
zebra ears~~~~~ - - - - - - - Welcome to the Ohana Net . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - The Ohana Net meets M-F on 14.268 MHz weekdays at 1630 UTC - - - - - - - - And on weekends at 1630 UTC on 14.307 - - - - - - - - - Please join them - - - - - - - - - - All are Welcome - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohana means "Family" in Hawaii - - - - - - - - - - Net Control Operators include Ben - KH6LJ, Gene - WB7DBJ, Tom - N0EV, George, W9EVT and John, KE7LWW - - - - - - - - - - If you have a beam point it to the West when Ben is Net Control - - - - - - - - - - - - Welcome to our newest listings: KI6BNL and KE4GUQ . . . -@- . . . Aloha! Great to have your aboard - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For easy access to Solar and Propagation Reports, visit zebrahamradio.com to start your day - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To be on this list (it will always be updating), simply send an email to Ken at aloho2ohana@zebrahamradio.com -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and allow about 7 days to be seen online - - - - - - - - - - - Sebastian and Griswold wish you a very happy Ohana Day! - - - - - - - - - - - Now, here comes the Zebra tail ~~~~~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
Welcome to the Ohana Net
If you would like to be added to this list, please email: aloha2ohana@zebrahamradio.com ---- and allow approximately 7 days
KD0ACR Dick Yankton, SD FT-2000, TS-450S G5RV, 20m CCD, Vert. AL-811, AL80B 1k QRZ
K7AII David Sunnyside, WA       QRZ
N7AND Kevin Salkum, WA Flex 1500, FT-950 G5RV, 5BTV, 1500' Longwire SB-200 1200 QRZ
W7BLY New! Billy Corvallis, OR FT-950, Ten Tec Jupiter 36' End Fed E-W 28' h ala Barefoot 100 QRZ
KI6BNL New! Thomas Watsonville, CA DX-SR8 BTV-4 AL-80B 1000 QRZ
KD0BRA Bob Bailey, CO         QRZ
W6BQZ Ken Carlsbad, CA FT-1000 Dipole w/SGC Tuner, SuperAnt. ala Barefoot 200 QRZ
KG7BYJ Ken Blaine, WA FT-950 G5RV AL-811 425 QRZ
KH6CB Sonny Waimanalo, HI IC-7600 4 Element Moxon AL80B 1k QRZ
W5CCT Tom Los Angeles, CA         QRZ
W6CCT New! Bob Hemet, CA TS-480 SAT Hustler 5BTV ala Barefoot 100 QRZ
E51CG Vic Cook Island         QRZ
NH7CJ Matt Anahola, HI         QRZ
N3CMD Julian Mapleton, UT Cushcraft A3S     QRZ
WB7DBJ Gene Whidbey Island, WA     QRZ
3D2DD Rocky Fiji         QRZ
W6DOF Dick Medford, OR IC-756 Pro III & FT-897D Alpha-Delta DXEE 100 QRZ
VE7DXF Don Port Hardy, BC         QRZ
KT6E John Felton, CA         QRZ
K7EDA Jeff Jackson, WY         QRZ
KG7ELE New! Javier Redmond, WA TS-440S/AT Dual Hamstick Dipole ala Barefoot 100 QRZ
N7ERW Tony Silverdale, WA TS-2000X G5RV TL-922A 1.5k QRZ
VE7ESE Don Fort St. John, BC   3 Element Mono Beam     QRZ
N0EV Tom Federal Heights, CO   Beam   QRZ
W9EVT George Washington Island, WA IC-7800 6 Element Mono Beam Alpha Linear 9500 1.5k QRZ
WA9FKB Tony Poway, CA Swan 700CX & 500CX     450 QRZ
N0FM Frank Denver, CO         QRZ
KH6FT Alex Honolulu, HI         QRZ
WA6FYU Don Fremont, CA K3, KX3, TS480HX Force 12, Delta 4 KPA-500, SB-220 500 QRZ
VE7GBO Todd Chemainus, BC         QRZ
K7GDM Dave Great Falls, MT TS-2000 G5RV 1/4 Flat - 2nd Story ala Barefoot 100 QRZ
W0GHS Chuck Mesa, AZ         QRZ
N0GNR Glenn Evergreen, CO K3 LPDA Titan II, KPA-500 1.5k QRZ
VA7GO Grant Victoria, BC FT-817       QRZ
KD8GVO Phil Brownwood, TX FT-2500 Inverted L, 2 Element Clipperton L, AL-811H 1.5k QRZ
K8GYA Cal Fort Collins, CO         QRZ
KE4GUQ New! Tim Thornton, CO IC-718 Chameleon Dipole   100 QRZ
N7HCJ Woody Moses Lake, WA IC-756 Pro II Dipole, 2 Ele SteppIR   100 QRZ
K0HDH Harold Denver, CO         QRZ
KD5IBU Leon Beaumont, TX       QRZ
KL7IBY Clyde Anchorage, AL     QRZ
KC7ICN Dan Morton, WA   Vertical     QRZ
N8IFY Chris West Branch, MI         QRZ
WA0IIH Shaun Fenton, MO         QRZ
AB6IS Rudy Stockton, CA IC-756 3 Ele. Cush, Inv. V     QRZ
KJ6JAJ Randy San Diego, CA FT-950 Comet CHA 250B     QRZ
N7JAP Jack Whidbey Island, WA   Hex Beam     QRZ
KD6JZZ Jody Sonora, CA IC-7000 Halfwave dual-band dipole     QRZ
E51JD Jim Cook Island         QRZ
W0JHS James Aurora, CO         QRZ
W7KFI Susan Honolulu, HI         QRZ
WA6LIE Scott Salinas, CA K3 W5GI Mystery up 55' (45'ave) KPA-500 500 QRZ
AG6LJ John Santa Barbara, CA FT-5000 Dual Mag Loop VL-1000 1k QRZ
KH6LJ Ben Waialua, Oahu         QRZ
K0LMD Ron Wray, CO FT-2000 12 element log periodic AL-1200 1.2k QRZ
KE7LWW John Everett, WA FT-857D, Ten Tec Eagle Vertazontal (see QRZ pg) Heath SB-200   QRZ
WL7LV Gary Port Protection, AK         QRZ
W6MEI Bob San Leandro, CA         QRZ
KH7MU Dennis Honolulu, HI         QRZ
K6MWS Mike Castro Valley, CA FT-767gx     QRZ
W6MYE Vic Apple Valley, CA         QRZ
K7MZ Richard Salt Lake City, UT         QRZ
WA6NNI Paul Livermore, CA         QRZ
KH7NP Mark Grape View, WA         QRZ
KG6NRI Joe Prunedale, CA KX3 Windom     QRZ
KF7NRW Bruce Bothell, WA   Dipole, Imax 2000, A3s     QRZ
AD7NZ Robby Portland, OR         QRZ
KJ6OAX Girard Round Mountain, CA         QRZ
KC7OFV John Boulder City, NV         QRZ
ZL2OK Dave Takapau, New Zealand     QRZ
W0OOU Steven Fort Collins, CO         QRZ
WH6OR Wayne South Maui, HI IC-775DSP Steppir, Wilson & Cobra Ultralite   QRZ
WA7OZT David Silver Springs, NV         QRZ
WA7PC Tom Raymond, WA     QRZ
NE6PG Ben Las Osos, CA     QRZ
KK6PGA New! Rich San Francisco, CA FT-857 Mobile - SGC237 - 25' Loop ala Barefoot 100 QRZ
W7PK Bruce Bothell,WA IC-756 Pro III, FT-950 Hamstick Henry 2k-4   QRZ
KJ6PNF Randy Whittier, CA     QRZ
K6POI Julian West Lake Village, CA FT-1000MP Mark V G5RV Inv. V ala Barefoot 200 QRZ
KD0PQX Mark Lafayette, CO     QRZ
WH6PS Tony Hauula, HI         QRZ
AH7RC Arch Makawao, HI         QRZ
N7RCN Steve St. George, UT     QRZ
K5SLE Steve Eugene, OR     QRZ
ZL1TV Mike Lake Taupo, New Zealand IC-7000 Dipole QRO 2500DX   QRZ
K6UDA New! Bob Penryn, CA IC-7600 Inv. V AL-80B 1k QRZ
KH6UG Kaipo Tonasket, WA     QRZ
AG6VG New! Mike Carlsbad, CA FTdx1200, FT-817ND  Homebrew SMLA, 150" CL whip ala Barefoot 100, 5 QRZ
W7VOC Mike Astoria, OR     QRZ
KJ6VVG John Los Angeles, CA     QRZ
KB3WDE Stan Lansdale, PA FT-450D Teledyne Explorer 14 ala Barefoot 100 QRZ
K7WXK Mark Salem, OR FTdx-1200, IC-765 Mosely Mini, Delta Loop P&H LA-400C 1k QRZ
WZ6X David American Canyon, CA         QRZ
KJ7XP Forrest Stites, ID         QRZ
KD7YDK Jack Sutherlin, OR IC-756 Pro III   Tokyo 1.5 1.5k QRZ
KJ6YFY New! Tony Hayward, CA TS440-S G5RV ala Barefoot 100 QRZ
WB6YNH Chuck Stockton, CA         QRZ
KJ6ZED Mike Chico, CA         QRZ
KC6ZME John Surprise, AZ         QRZ
N0ZV Bill Loveland, CO         QRZ
    This page in entirety is in progress Submit additions only to the email shown on this page Thank you    


Please: Only send comments and listing additions to aloho2ohana@zebrahamradio.com

(see the links for email on this page)

If you are not in the list yet, we can have your station added at your request by email only

(no "live" info exchange during the Net)

"New!" notations designate call signs that have been newly added to the list in the past 90 days


About the Ohana Net

The "Ohana" net is on 14.268 MHz at 1630 UTC weekday mornings and then they QSY to 14.307 - same time slot - on Saturday and Sunday mornings. The Net starts at 1630 UTC. About thirty minutes before the Net you can find members milling about, saying hello and catching up on what's new.

While the Net is structured just enough to recognize everyone, it is not excessively so and that gives it a warm and relaxing glow. It's a fun net to get into and stretch you signal legs - check out propagation and how your station is doing out to the islands (or into the mainland if you live in those warm and amazing waters of the Pacific Ocean). You won't be required to do anything other than to be part of their family. No suit or tie is necessary. Scuba gear, sun tan lotion, leis and woven hats are okay but might raise some eyebrows with the relatives if you hail from cooler climates.

Ben, KH6LJ is in Oahu, Hawaii, North Shore, and is known as the manager, founder and chairman of the Net. And there are alternate net control operators who take the helm: Wayne, WH6OR in Maui; Tom, N0EV in Colorado; and Gene, WB7DBJ, on Whidbey Island, WA. A new and valuable operator joined the team in 2013 who is John, KE7LWW, in Everett, Washington; and, George, W9EVT, and other take the assignment when called upon. Each team member takes turns running the Net during the week and on weekends, and Ben can almost always be found every day and he takes the control seat on Saturdays.

Ohana in Hawaii means "family" and all are welcome to join in, share signal strengths, weather reports, and what is new in your life - and most importantly, to enjoy the comradery.

This page is a work in progress and I do this as a hobby. In no way do I represent the Ohana Net, but in every way I hope that if this page helps existing members or prospective members, that would be a very good thing. I started doing these kind of pages when I found that I could keep track of the Net from almost any device known to the technological world - my iPad was the biggest reason. If you have information you would like to share to help fill in the blanks above or to add your own station to the listing, please email W6BQZ@zebrahamradio.com and allow a few days for your information to be absorbed and posted. To summarize, this is not a formal web site just a hobby and hopefully will help to share information for all hams to use and enjoy.


........... Hula for Ohana Ohana hula girl........... ..
. . . . . . . . . . .If you have an island photo you have taken that will fit to the left or the right of these wonderful dancers, please send them in!

The Intermittant & Unofficial Log

11/28/2014: Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. If you have 40 meter capabilities, check out the antenna testing and the DX this winter at 7.155 MHz. They are also selling these really cool focus light up stylus pens as a fund rasier which are perfect for your shack and working on equipment.

10/27/2014: For your viewing pleasure we have the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Webcams, live. They look like they snap a shot every half hour, or so, and have been around for quite some time. Take a peek at this URL: http://hvo.wr.usgs.gov/cams/

Halemaʻumaʻu Overlook Vent Screen Cap

Here is a screen capture and is clickable to this live cam site. This is the Halemaʻumaʻu Overlook Vent Cam. This photo was taken exactly at 2014-10-27 02:54:58 (HST). These webcams are operational 24/7 and faithfully record the dark of night if there are no sources of incandescence or other lights. Thermal webcams record heat rather than light and get better views through volcanic gas.

I hope that everyone in the path remains in safety. Just a note of trivia: The flows have added approximately 500 acres in recent years!

8/24/2014: News was discussed regarding last nights Napa Valley 6.1 earthquake. John, AG6LJ, filled us in with the reports from various monitoring stations. Here is a link to earthquake information: earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring - and a good 7 minute video.


8/15/2014: Congratulations to Javier, KG7ELE, who is the very first addition to the OhanaNet Online List via email. Welcome aboard! As you know, the Internet is a whole different animal compare to hard copy. It can be changed, modified, added to and then seen online in almost a moments notice. Well, sometimes it might take a few days, but who's counting. Take care and glad you are here. 73!

8/8/2014: Here is a WebCam from Hawaii. It is one of the few webcams that keep up their live stream (as opposed to the ones that have a still image taken either once a day or once a month). Here from the NorthWest side of the Big Island is the Live Hilton Waikoloa WebCam: Click Here ---- and from the south side of Kauai is their WebCam: Click Here

8-06-2014, Wednesday: Tuning in today I found, to my dismay, that tropical storms were threatening our guys over in the Hawaiian Islands. Videos show folks over there "storming" the shelves of Sam Club and other stockers of staples. Wayne, WH6OR, did tell us that the storms are losing steam at the rate of about 1 MPH each hour, so the good news is that they will not be of Hurricane Status, but they quite possibly can cause some amount of mischief. Let's keep our fingers crossed. For today, the signals up and down the states in the mainland were iffy and weak, but the signals from the islands stateside were very good. Into San Diego WH6OR came in about a plus 5, while George, W9EVT was drifting up and down from a 4-4 to a 5-5. Now, for the recent storm video:



If you have information you would like to share to help fill in the blanks above, add three lines of news to this log, or add your own station to the listing, please email aloha2ohana@zebrahamradio.com and allow 10 days for your information to be absorbed, reviewed for content and posted.


W6BQZ Zebra Blog Kens

If you like, tune into my blog that is updated from time to time


Odds & Ends:

Every once in a while I see some pretty nice quotes, so I'll start by putting this one here from K7GDM, Dave:

"If you make people think they are thinking, they will love you. If you make people think, they will hate you."


If you have a favorite quote, send it in to aloha2ohana@zebrahamradio.com


Recent Ohana Net Roster from George, W9EVT
~ Thank You George for Your Assistance in helping build the list ~

roster Fall 2013





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To be continuously mystified is to be aware of your surroundings

When non-cylindrical objects defy inverse logic, the universe is in harmony

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Quick Links

EQSL - The Electronic QSL Card Center
Antenna Theory - Why Antennas Radiate
Eham Forums - Where great minds . . .
S-Meter - A boatload of ham radio Info
73 Magazine - Read online and flip pages
Free Ham Exam Videos - All 3 exams are covered
Zebra Ham Radio - Group listings, propagation links
Magnum Mania - All things Thomas & Kamehameha!
DX Maps - A fine program indeed. Trace the lines

Latest Honolulu, Hawaii, weather Latest Maui County, Hawaii, weather Latest Anchorage, Alaska, weather Latest Santa Barbara, California, weather Latest Denver, Colorado, weather a Latest Whidbey Island, Washington, weather Latest Dallas, Texas, weather

Attack On Pearl Harbor

Remember Always the Perils Our Country has Survived


Thanks for Visiting the Ohana Net
If you would like to be added to this list, please email: aloha2ohana@zebrahamradio.com ---- and allow approx. 7 days

Ohana hula girlplumeriaplumeriaHula for Ohana

The Zebra from the Ham Radio

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Visit the Ohana always - Visit today

Become a part of our Ohana Family


Ohana Net meets on 14.268 MHz on Monday through Friday and on 14.306 on Saturday and Sunday